New Years brings about a lovely time for kissing the ones you love as the clock strikes midnight, parties, lots and lots (and lots) of booze, and maybe a little self reflection.
So, as 2009 comes to a close, I would like to reflect on the changes I made, and the changes I plan on making.
Things that have changed (good and bad)
I have lost my serving job
I now have a full time job that pays less, annoys me more, and has no future (last part my choice)
I'm dating possibly the most amazing man on the planet, and for once I'm happy being "the girlfriend"
I have gained 30 pounds
I have read some amazing books
I have purchased some books yet to read... gotta get on that
I now have 2 cats
I live with my sister
I had a falling out with my best (girl) friend
My best friend (Bobby) tried to commit suicide (for the 3rd time) and went through a spell of depression
I started Blogging!!
I fell in love
I started to not hate the idea of domesticating myself (I even cooked a few times)
I dropped out of school (although that was technically 2008)
I applied for nursing school, and was accepted (but I can't start till I pay off some debt)
I have debt, for the first time in my life
I turned 21
I started playing Dungeons and Dragons
I re-connected with a few friends from High School
I became an active fighter for Gay acceptance
I am officially allergic to some dairy products (milk NOT included, of all things)
Goals for 2010
Pay off debt accumulated
Start school
Grow my hair out (pig tails are the goal)
Lose 30 pounds, or more
Read twice as many books this year as last
Be happy with my situation (because right now I am NOT)
Show David that he really is the best man alive, every day
Join a choir
Audition for a play
Get a part time job
There you have it, hopefully I'll surpass my goals and have a lot more to boast of as 2011 rolls in. (Which, if my calculations are correct, will be in the blink of an eye)