Monday, January 11, 2010

Things I love about Ohio

I love that we have 4 seasons.

I love that I can drive almost anywhere I want to go in 15 minutes, or less.

I love how I can hear the marching band practices in the fall from my house.

I love that I can take walks at night and not have any fear.

I love that I can run into people who've known me since I was a baby

I love Swensons

I love that David lives 3 minutes away

I love that I could ride my bike to the pool everyday when I was a kid
I love that we have an Amish country
I love that no matter where you go it's a college town, so basically there is something at least moderatly fun everywhere
I love Cedar Point
I also love Kellies Island, which I'm very glad I am now familar with
I love the lake, and the pools, and the riverfront
I'm a happy camper here in Ohio, and although I'd like it to be warmer often, and I wish I could more places to have a second job closer to my house, I don't think anywhere would be that much better.

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